Category: Interactive modules

Learning Resources for the Life Sciences

The Interactive Ear – A guide to human hearing

This interactive resource explores the ear – the organ which controls hearing and balance. Discover all of the parts which make up the outer, middle and inner ear. Provided by Amplifon, UK.

Stem cells & the many roles they play

In this interactive module, you will discover the important roles stem cells play in our bodies, from embryonic development through adulthood. For more stem cell resources, please visit the Genetic Science Learning Centre (University of Utah Health Sciences) website:

When fish began to walk

In this interactive module, explore the anatomical changes in four-limbed animals (tetrapods) as they evolved from fish. For more resources from BioInteractive and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, please visit their website at:  

The Human Protein Atlas

Explore millions of high-resolution images showing the spatial distribution of proteins in 44 different normal human tissues and 20 different cancer types, as well as 46 different human cell lines. The Human Protein Atlas project was initiated in 2003 by funding from the The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Primarily based in Sweden, the…
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Heavy metal, gassy or just highly reactive?

Learn all about carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and their (sometimes very unstable) neighbours in this interactive periodic table of the elements. For more resources from the Royal Society of Chemistry, please visit their website at:   Other related resources: Periodic table (interactive learning module) from Scientific American Periodic table (interactive learning module) from Annenberg Learner    …
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The ABCs of DNA

Explore the science behind the key concepts of DNA through animations, videos and questions in this interactive module. For more resources from the DNA Learning Center, please visit their website:   Other related resources: Interactive learning module on DNA from Annenberg Learner:

Signals and Cellular Responses

Cell signals travel through the body, coming in contact with many cell types. In this interactive module, you will learn how the response depends on the type of cell the signal reaches. For more interactive resources from the Genetic Science Learning Centre (University of Utah Health Sciences), please visit their website: