Category: Animations

Learning Resources for the Life Sciences

The Interactive Ear – A guide to human hearing

This interactive resource explores the ear – the organ which controls hearing and balance. Discover all of the parts which make up the outer, middle and inner ear. Provided by Amplifon, UK.

Clathrin cages & endocytosis

(This one’s for you, Pranav… Thanks for the tip! – Anne)  This 3D-animation focuses on the role of clathrin cage assembly and disassembly during endocytosis. This animation was created by Janet Iwasa (University of Utah) in collaboration with Tomas Kirchhausen (Harvard Medical School). For more animations and resources from Janet Iwasa, please visit her…
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Coral Bleaching

This animation from HHMI Interactive shows you how coral bleaching occurs. Reef-building corals rely on the photosynthetic algae inside their cells for their survival. For more resources from the HHMI Interactive website, please go to:  

The ABCs of DNA

Explore the science behind the key concepts of DNA through animations, videos and questions in this interactive module. For more resources from the DNA Learning Center, please visit their website:   Other related resources: Interactive learning module on DNA from Annenberg Learner:

Antigen presentation and cytotoxic T lymphocytes

This narrated animation from the HHMI shows how a cell infected by a virus signals cytotoxic T lymphocytes to kill the cell before the virus replicates and spreads. To view more resources from HHMI’s BioInteractive website, please visit:

Understanding the biology of cancer

This 11-minute video-animation describes the biological processes that are involved in the development, growth and spread of cancer. For more interactive resources from CancerQuest, please visit their website at: