Category: Environment

Learning Resources for the Life Sciences

Liter of Light

Liter of Light is a global, grassroots movement committed to providing affordable, sustainable solar light to people with limited or no access to electricity. Through a network of partnerships around the world, Liter of Light volunteers teach marginalized communities how to use recycled plastic bottles and locally sourced materials to illuminate their homes, businesses and…
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Heavy metal, gassy or just highly reactive?

Learn all about carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and their (sometimes very unstable) neighbours in this interactive periodic table of the elements. For more resources from the Royal Society of Chemistry, please visit their website at:   Other related resources: Periodic table (interactive learning module) from Scientific American Periodic table (interactive learning module) from Annenberg Learner    …
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Coral Bleaching

This animation from HHMI Interactive shows you how coral bleaching occurs. Reef-building corals rely on the photosynthetic algae inside their cells for their survival. For more resources from the HHMI Interactive website, please go to: